Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Changes Of The World s Civilizations - 1101 Words

Several countries and cultures throughout history rise while others fall. Some countries invade while others are invaded. Numerous factors come into play when reviewing the history and the changes of the world’s civilizations. A prime example of a territory constantly invaded by empires until finally becoming its own country is Syria. Though Syria has faced many trials throughout its past, it faces several in the present. Syrian culture, economics, politics, and military advances have been contributions to its military conflicts and Civil War. For centuries Syria has been fought over by empires, primarily for its geographical location. Syria is located on the borders of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and the†¦show more content†¦Many of the citizens of Syria have different cultures and religions, but the majority of the country is Sunni Muslim. â€Å"Only during the Umayyad Caliphate in the 7th and 8th centuries A.D. was it the center of an empire. But that relatively short period left Syria with its Islamic heritage† (Polk, 2013). â€Å"Syrians tend to identify primarily with their religious group or sect; however, as the majority of the country is Sunni Muslim, this creates a strong feeling of cultural unity† (Polk, 2013). Though they have a strong cultural unity, as well as any other country, Syria has different wealth classes throughout the country, and in which the different classes do not socialize with one another. Syria’s a predominately Muslim country, the men do not socialize with the women and marriages are arranged by the families. In return, socializing is constructed with similar labor and families. Among the different jobs and employment in Syria, the biggest economic value to the Syrians are their agriculture and oil exports. Though Syrian oil is not the cleanest of the Middle East regions, Syria still relies heavily on their ability to sell to other countries, the United States not being one of them. Both Syria and the United States are part of the United Nations,

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