Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Climate Change And Sociology Global Warming - 1253 Words

Climate Change and Sociology Danielle Cluphf College of Western Idaho Climate Change and Sociology Climate change known as global warming has been steadily increasing over time. Global warming is a catch phrase of social confusion. Society feels uncomfortable with this notion. Is it real or fake? Little do people know that human progression and population growth adds to carbon emissions in the atmosphere. The term greenhouse gasses mean H2o or water, Co2 or carbon dioxide, and N20 known as nitrous oxide. In the book titled Global Climate Change, it breaks down what global warming is and relays information about carbon dioxide being the primary cause to the negative amounts of greenhouse gasses. â€Å"Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse†¦show more content†¦J, et al 2010) In my research, environmental sociologists use the â€Å"lens† of conflict theory, and functionalism. Today, most of the popular sociologists look at the environment from the conflict theory perspective so I will focus on this theory. In the book titled You May Ask Yourself, Conley talks ab out what conflict theory is. â€Å"The idea that conflict between competing interests is the basic, animating force of social change and society in general. (Conley 2015) Conflict theorists look at the inequality perspective of societal problems and they can be from poverty, race, or gender etc. An important area of focus among environmental sociologists is the relationship between inequality and the environment. In the article, All About Environmental Sociology, Dr. Cole talks about how environmental sociologists use conflict theory with inequalities in society like income, race, gender and how climate change negatively affects these people. Low-income people for instance have more of a chance to live in a worse area that may be subject to more environmental hazards. (Cole 2017) â€Å"Numerous studies have documented that income, racial, and gender inequality make the populations that experience them more likely to experience negative environmental outcomes like pollution, proxim ity to waste, and lack of access to natural resources.† (Cole 2017) I believe this is important to environmentalShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming And Climate Change Essay1387 Words   |  6 PagesClimatic changes have been a major concern in the recent researches. The changes have negatively affected the production across the world and also the human lives are at stake. There are so many occurrences of unpredicted climatic effects such as the drought occurrences and the tides which affects the people. The unpredicted climatic changes have been as a result of the many factors. One of the most controversial things is that climatic changes have been caused by the social factors, which governmentRead MoreSociological Theories Of Global Climate Change1611 Words   |  7 Pages 2. 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