Friday, February 21, 2020

Plagiarism in Universities in English Speaking Countries Essay

Plagiarism in Universities in English Speaking Countries - Essay Example The rise of plagiarism and its negative impact on the educational sector in these country has raised eye brows and is a major concern on how it can be eliminated or though its causes can be addressed. Because of these researches have been conducted in order to establish the main causes of plagiarism by different authors. According to (Guo Xin 2011) poor academic skills is one of the main causes of plagiarism in most universities. This is because students are not able to distinguish between what article has been paraphrased this way they end up plagiarizing. Due to lack of good academic skills most scholars do not understand why cheating is wrong and can become as a result of plagiarizing. They also lack enough knowledge on how to use in texts and how to phrase the sources .Another factor associated with poor academic skills is that the scholars are unable to plan their time and schedule enough time to do research and also to write their academic papers and articles. Finally in poor a cademic skills ,most students in the English speaking countries are not well trained on writing skills and they have problem of not considering in term academic continuous assessment tests such as writing thesis ,doing assignments and also presentations. They are more focused on the end of term exams. In order to solve this problem Daniel luzer 2011, suggested that teachers should explain to their students how to differentiate between plagiarized articles, the teachers should also promote good academic skills among the students that will ensure that the students understand the importance of doing their work and presenting assignments. The teachers should also teach the students of good time management skills so that they can have time to research and do their own individual works. According to Bam ford,the other factor that causes plagiarism is external pressures. This pressures include the fact that students lack enough resources like money to help them study and facil itate their stay in the learning institutions and also help live better lives at home. Hence, they are forced to plagiarize since it takes less time and take the extra time to work and get money .Secondly most scholars fear the punishment and rejection they would get from their family members and especially parents if they fail t o score well in school. Thirdly, about 60 percent of students experience pressure from the parents and relatives on the fact that they should perform well in school as a means of making the both parties proud. Good performance is viewed as a great necessity among most families. Lastly, most students plagiarize in order to ensure they remain at par with the good performers in the school or learning institution. According to carolla, (2000),the solution to these problem is to make sure that all students are availed with all the resources that they need to facilitate their learning both at home and also in their schools. The other solution is to ensure that pa rents are made to accept the results of their children and motivate them to work harder and improve their grades next time. The family plays a very crucial role in embracing and promoting honesty and hard work among the students. Finally (chester 2001) suggests that students should be made to understand that all cannot lead in performance squares due to the differences in capabilities and their potentials too. According to devlin (2007),the other major

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Investment Portfolio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Investment Portfolio - Research Paper Example It involves providing concise method of communicating the process and objectives amongst all parties involved with the investments and to assign responsibility for implementations. (Winfield R. G. and Curry S. J., 1995.) Once the Investment Policy has been established other factors affecting the investment such as financial and economic conditions, and risk factors will be examined. How to allocate the 100,000 to specific assets will be determined. RiskGrades will be used for optimal allocation. RiskGradeTM measure is an open and transparent benchmark to measure the risk of the world's financial assets. Another optimization criterion to be looked at briefly is the Markowitz co-variance approach. According to Markowitz, (1952), the co-variance matrix can be used to compute portfolio variance. Peter Zangari (1996)'s document on risk metrics assumes that the market is driven by risk factors with observable co-variance. These risk factors which have been incorporated in the analysis include; time series of prices or levels of stocks, currencies (foreign exchange rates), commodities and interest rates. The evaluation of investment performance is very important to any investor. Evaluation goes hand in hand with re-examining the policies and altering the strategies. The constructed portfolio will be monitored throughout the period under review. The reasons why it is performing in a certain way is examined. Policy Statement This is a statement of Investment Policy and investment goals, which establish the investment management procedures. The five basic components of the statement include; Summary of investor circumstances. Investment objectives, time horizon and risk attitudes. Permissible asset classes, constraints and restrictions. The asset allocation decisions. Selection, monitoring and control procedures. For an investor, investment policy depends on circumstances (Winfield, 2005). Institutional investor will be concerned with long-term investments as opposed to an individual investor who will be limited to personal factors such as financial situation, age, family circumstances, and personal preferences to risk. An elderly investor will invest in investments which are short-term though the risks might be high as opposed to a young investor. Diversification comes in for the issue of risks. Diversification is a risk limiting strategy. Since I am a young investor, I would like to diversify my investment and also take a greater amount of risk to enhance the potential earnings on the investment. According to Winfield (2005), as a